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Donation, aid for Ukrainians, free psychological assistance, supporting Ukraine, Charitable Foundation "I Am"


Thanks to your generous contributions, we are able to organize the operations of our foundation, develop new programs, and offer FREE psychological support to those who have been affected by the war in Ukraine.

Each of your donations guarantees that a larger number of individuals facing emotional exhaustion, traumatic stress, and anxiety disorders can access the assistance of qualified psychologists, psychotherapists, and other mental health professionals. Your every contribution helps us conduct support groups that strengthen the mental resilience of Ukrainians.

Every donation is highly valued and plays a crucial role in our mission. We sincerely express our deepest gratitude for your kindness and unwavering belief in our organization.

For bank transfers and donation remittances :

  • EURO account: 

    Beneficiary name: Mental Health Charity Foundation "I am"

    Address: of.126, building 26, Mala Arnautska str, Odesa, 65012, Ukraine

    IBAN Code: UA073052990000026003034919394

    Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", Bank address: 1D Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

    Bank SWIFT Code: PBANUA2X

    Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

    Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401


  • USD account:

    Beneficiary name: Mental Health Charity Foundation "I am"

    Address: of.126, building 26, Mala Arnautska str, Odesa, 65012, Ukraine

    IBAN Code: UA463052990000026003044923369

    Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", Bank address: 1D Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

    Bank SWIFT Code: PBANUA2X

    Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA

    Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080

    SWIFT Code of IRVT US 3N

  • GBP account:

    Beneficiary name: Mental Health Charity Foundation "I am"

    Address: of.126, building 26, Mala Arnautska str, Odesa, 65012, Ukraine

    IBAN Code: UA093052990000026005014929142

    Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK", Bank address: 1D Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine

    Bank SWIFT Code: PBANUA2X

    Correspondent bank: J P Morgan Chase Bank, Bournemouth, UK

    Account in the 24549501 SORT CODE 609242

    SWIFT Code of the CHASGB2L

  • UAH account for local payments

    Одержувач платежу:

    Благодійна організація "Благодійний Фонд "Я Є"

    Адреса: 65012, Україна, м. Одеса, вул. Мала Арнаутська, будинок 26, офic 126

    Код отримувача: 44692919

    Назва банку: Акціонерне товариство Комерційний Банк "ПриватБанк"

    Рахунок одержувача у форматі IBAN:


    Валюта: UAH - українська гривня


Please feel free to get in touch with us using the electronic form below, and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


Be a part of our foundation's mission to overcome the challenges caused by the armed conflict in Ukraine. Fill out one of the forms below to join our team and contribute to positive change.

Mental Health Specialist

If you are a mental health specialist, such as a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or neuropsychologist, and you are interested in participating in our projects, we would be thrilled to collaborate with you. Please find the link to the Form below.



If you have managerial skills, proficiency in English, and other languages that can assist in event organization, project coordination, and material translation, we warmly welcome you to join our team as a volunteer. Please find the link to the Form below.                        


donate, become a volunteer, charitable organization, assistance to military personnel, psychological support

• Отримати психологічну підтримку • Get psychological support • Получить психологическую поддержку

• Отримати психологічну підтримку • Get psychological support • Получить психологическую поддержку

  • • Individual Psychological Support •

    For veterans, paramedics, volunteers


  • • Psychological Support Group •

    For Ukrainian citizens


  • • Psychological Educational Programs •

    For specialists and communities